24 March 2021

Norway: a new distributor

Say hello to the home of stylish furniture and the hygge lifestyle! Please welcome our new distributor in Norway: Cutfab and Norwegian Trash.

We are taking further steps to scale up globally and increase our impact by building a strong regional network. Norway, let’s work together to implement recycled material in interior designs and make truly sustainable projects.

Lykke til!

You can contact our partners though the Contact page.

20 April 2023

Thinking about environment. CO2 emissions

During our Cradle-to-Cradle Certification process, we calculated the volumes of CO2 generated by our enterprises for manufacturing Polygood™ products. Please see the data in the table below. In our environmental and energy strategy for 2023-2024, we are planning to decrease our direct emissions to zero, and reduce our indirect emissions by 20-30% through the use […]